attention style

attention styleattention style
  1. He pays fastidious attention to style in his writing .


  2. With the impact of the contemporary art , people pay more attention to style , personality , and has a tendency to ignore sketch .


  3. On the Importance of Paying More Attention on the Style Test of Chinese Modern Poetry


  4. People start to pay more attention to the style and colors of their clothes .


  5. The results were interpreted in relation to learning attention , learning style , and culture context .


  6. You pay attention to the style and design of the garment when you evaluate its product quality .


  7. You should pay attention to the style and components of witten application letters .


  8. Paying more attention in the style of writing is the good traditions of our Party all the time .


  9. I thought that pays great attention the life style to be very important . first , control diet , balanced diet .


  10. It attracted numerous researcher 's attention on artistic style , realistic achievement , romantic achievement , artistic structure and aesthetic research .


  11. Traditional research on Liu xie 's viewpoint about stylistics , without close and systematic theory , paid too much attention to the style itself .


  12. GSD Stores Requisition Note [ GF 210A ] You should pay attention to the style and components of witten application letters .


  13. As a result , when translating tourist materials into English , the translator must pay attention to the style of the translated version which should fall in with the wishes of the target text readers .


  14. Therefore , the traditional produce and sale process needs to innovate urgently . In the information-based society , the national woolen sweater business enterprises should pay more attention to the style , craft , the cost and the information exchanging unimpeded .


  15. Constitute the passive infrastructure in network paying attention to method and style ;


  16. With the development of the learning theory , people are paying attention to various learning style .


  17. At the same time must pay attention to the original style , more accurately grasp the original works .


  18. Please pay attention to the writing style of advertisements which is different from that of other forms of writing .


  19. In " How to tell the story " part , the author pays attention to her writing style and literature skills .


  20. The Lives of artists has caused extensive attention for its unique style of genuineness , kindness , and sincerity .


  21. The experiments show that in the chemical teaching in junior middle school , the instruction mode is valid in terms of attention to the learning style and promotion to individual learning .


  22. In last part of paper , it is for guiding the concrete practice of Landscape Painting , which I put forward four-point links that require special attention : the elegant style , the distinct theme , the material stress , as well as the most difficult calligraphic .


  23. This paper expounds the main contents of strengthening the construction of accountants ' professional ethics under the new situation from six aspects of establishing the professional ideal , increasing the professional skills , paying attention to the work style , correcting the attitude towards work and observing labor discipline .
